It has been difficult to realise the original vision of what the channel would look like.
Originally, the thought was that a 'Daily News' article would go up on YouTube every day, giving an overview of the days news. The channel would also provide a weekly 'Opinion' piece at the weekend.
The 'enthusiastic' view of being able to get this done was just that, enthusiastic, but it wasn't realistic. With the channel just starting and having to be organised, the fact that I am just one person, for the moment and all the technicalities of getting pieces up, there just wasn't the time to do all of this.
As those of you that have see the YouTube videos will be aware, they go quite in depth in an attempt to cater for those of us that do not spend every waking minute reading, listening to or watching some sort of news content. I wanted to make sure that if people didn't quite get some of the nuance or terminology or background to a piece then they wouldn't be left out.
Whilst happy at the feedback from the YouTube material I still wanted to be able to have some way of giving an overview of world events. The podcast seems to be a good compromise. It can cover over 10 stories in 15 to 20 minutes but doesn't have all the time overhead of making a video.
Of course you can make your way to the podcast website itself but I wanted to give those of you that have a preference for visiting a single site but still be able to get the daily content.
To that end, technical difficulties aside, I will put the podcast player in the posts but to begin with I'll put a group player up.
As always, take care.
Be safe, take care of you, your family and loved ones and follow the advice given
Here comes the bit where I ask for your help.
The most tangible way you can show your support is through Patreon.
If you could consider helping the channel in all it's variety with a membership it would help to primarily keep the channel going but ultimately go towards funding improvements.
The channel can go from strength to strength with your support.
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