Grant Shapps Tells Public It Will All Go Back To Normal
This is an interview given by Grant Shapps, transport secretary during which he muses on the notion of sending kids back to school in June.
Your government is putting money and power ahead of lives. The soft soaping of the questions doesn't help to get to the truth of the matter. There is one reason they want to get children back to school and it has nothing to do with educating our children. They need them to go back to school to free up Mum and Dad to go back to work but more than that when your kids are going to school and there is a routine everything APPEARS to be 'normal'.
If it appears normal people will start to believe it is and return to what they have known their entire lives, work.
At no point when this ghoul is talking about kids going back to school does he acknowledge or warn of the real issue. He couches what he says in terms of children being safe from Covid-19.
Whilst as a parent myself that is paramount the bigger likelihood is that children become infected and pass that on to members of their families. Those members of the family may well be less able to cope with the virus.
He and his government don't care about our kids, they don't care about us. They simply want to get enough 'cattle' back to work to give confidence to stock markets that they have the labour force under control.
I love the way he is also throwing around the 'R' value in a totally meaningless way. Again, it is to give the appearance of 'we understand this. We know what's going on and how to handle it and by association when we tell you to send your kids back to school and you back to work it will all be fine and normal'.
Don't be fooled by someone that represents this administration and administrations before that have done everything they can to undermine society and the institutions that serve society. Whether that be through the constant redistribution of wealth upwards or through the ongoing campaigns of misinformation to further seize power and control whilst enriching themselves while they are about it.
Agree? Disagree? Let's hear about it.
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