The Coronavirus, COVID-19, has swept across the planet in a matter of weeks. As it is a novel version, no one has immunity to it and there are currently no vaccines.
A robust and urgent response is and was required to this. A 'Universal' healthcare response to it, if you will.
However, there are countries that have no form of 'nationalised' healthcare system and require their citizens to essentially fend for themselves. Of course, this means there is no joined up, national system to coordinate not just the medical aspect of fighting this virus but also the logist aspect of it.
I'm not talking about some small, basically unknown 'tribe' or clan off the top of Scotland here. No, I'm talking about the richest country on the planet, the USA.
I've filmed a four part series looking at the relationship between coronavirus and healthcare and the systems that will be employed.
Please join me to look at what this could mean for the countries involved but more importantly the people.
Here comes the bit where I ask for your help.
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I look forward to seeing you all at the next post.
All the best,
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