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Showing posts from April, 2020

The Left Wing Information Project is Open for Business

Hi there, Have you ever been trying to find some information about Left Wing politics that you just couldn't find? ​ Found yourself with a ton of disparate links that have bits and pieces of what you want but not quite what you need? ​ Been trying to get a picture of what group is what school or discipline of left-wing politics but not able to piece it together? ​ Yeah? Me too! ​ This project is an attempt to provide a central repository for the left online no matter the 'school' or 'discipline'. This subreddit is not the actual repository but a way to build a team that can work together to ultimately design, develop, deliver and maintain the 'library' itself. ​ I appreciate that this is a big undertaking. So, it is not something that I could do alone, nor would I want to. Any good central source of information usually comes from a dedicated team that all have something unique to offer whilst working towards a common goal but over quite a period ...

CNN, stop with the easy 'Trump is an idiot' line and start reporting the bigger issue, CAPITALISM

CNN, stop with the easy 'Trump is an idiot' line and start reporting the bigger issue, CAPITALISM from r/Left_Wing_Info_Centre  Here comes the bit where I ask for your help. To help the channel survive, consider a one-off donation by: Buying me a coffee at - or Single one-off payment - or One-off or ongoing support: Choose a Maslow level at - The channel can go from strength to strength with your support. Please look in on us at the following: youtube: twitter: podcast: patreon:

Being stopped from calling for greater unity and education outside of 'leftist' forums by?....

Being stopped from calling for greater unity and education outside of 'leftist' forums by?.... You may have seen that I have included below a Reddit post that I wrote. If you read the piece you would see that I was essentially making three important points. That people that are not politics nerds or junkies may not believe or understand that there could be an alternative system to that of capitalism That we on the left, that is the whole of the left, from Social Democrats on the right of the left, through Socialists and Communist and all the way to Anarchists on the left of the left*, can make it difficult, inaccessible, esoteric even for those on the outside of politics, and within for that matter, to understand why capitalism is not a divinely bestowed system to live by. That we on the left intersect on fundamental points and issues and need to make our positions ACROSS THE ENTIRE SPECTRUM of the left accessible. *The spectrum shown here is very truncated and a...

Fear, Terror, Horror: Current Reality for an NHS Family - Let's NOT go back to 'normal'

Fear, terror and horror seem to be the norm. At least if you are an NHS family.  Fear at what could happen to your loved one, the terror as these thoughts creep up on you. The horror of what awful outcome could await. Any family member of someone working for the NHS will happily tell you how proud they are of them. They are smart, strong, confident, diligent and of course, caring. These all go to make up the person that you love, that you admire that you are so, so very proud of. Is that what makes us the most proud? Well, it would be a lie to say it didn't go a long way but these wonderful people do a demanding job, over long hours, in not great conditions for money that they could earn in other, less demanding roles. Above those remarkable qualities there are other things that make them stand out, that make us so proud of them. Selflessness, bravery and the fact that their vocation is given to anyone that needs it and it is given freely to their community. Our children have the m...