Hi there, Have you ever been trying to find some information about Left Wing politics that you just couldn't find? Found yourself with a ton of disparate links that have bits and pieces of what you want but not quite what you need? Been trying to get a picture of what group is what school or discipline of left-wing politics but not able to piece it together? Yeah? Me too! This project is an attempt to provide a central repository for the left online no matter the 'school' or 'discipline'. This subreddit is not the actual repository but a way to build a team that can work together to ultimately design, develop, deliver and maintain the 'library' itself. I appreciate that this is a big undertaking. So, it is not something that I could do alone, nor would I want to. Any good central source of information usually comes from a dedicated team that all have something unique to offer whilst working towards a common goal but over quite a period ...
A place that Party Political Puffin can give an opinion on some of the news stories that can't be captured in video.