Fear, terror and horror seem to be the norm.
At least if you are an NHS family. Fear at what could happen to your loved one, the terror as these thoughts creep up on you. The horror of what awful outcome could await.
Any family member of someone working for the NHS will happily tell you how proud they are of them. They are smart, strong, confident, diligent and of course, caring. These all go to make up the person that you love, that you admire that you are so, so very proud of.
Is that what makes us the most proud? Well, it would be a lie to say it didn't go a long way but these wonderful people do a demanding job, over long hours, in not great conditions for money that they could earn in other, less demanding roles. Above those remarkable qualities there are other things that make them stand out, that make us so proud of them. Selflessness, bravery and the fact that their vocation is given to anyone that needs it and it is given freely to their community.
Our children have the most wonderful role models to look up to. They see professionals of this calibre giving the best that they have everyday. It doesn't matter what their patients background is, what family they may come from or how much money they have.
Take a look at the video I made:
Wouldn't it be better if my family just saved their own skin?
Whilst all I have said is 100% true the last couple of months I have, just now and then, thought wouldn't it be better if my loved one had no diligence or sense of duty. That they could just forget the sense of their team and their wider circle of colleagues. Just overlook the fact they want to, no, have to give all they can to help their patient in whatever way they can.
NHS families are not selfish by nature so these fleeting thoughts are not born out of anything other than concern.
Covid-19 is proving to be more than first considered.
It takes from all age groups and doesn't even seem to particularly respect the healthy. With the skill and knowledge our NHS staff have it would still be a concern for them dealing with it IF they had the correct personal protective equipment.
They DON'T have the correct PPE to protect themselves and their patients. In some instances they have NO PPE, correct or otherwise.
Waving off your family member as they go on shift is no longer filled with a sense of pride. It is now carried out with dread. The fear that your unprotected husband, wife, daughter or son will become infected for the sake of having the right face mask or gown would seem preposterous, almost comical if we didn't know it to be true and potentially deadly.
Promises made, promises....kept???
The UK government has made promise after promise which they have failed to keep, in general, yes but specifically with regards to PPE and the safety of our front line, NHS staff. Not a surprise and maybe naive of us to think that the worst pandemic since the 1918 Spanish Flu crisis would make politicians less mendacious.
Successive Tory governments have eroded the NHS with a view to privatising it. Austerity was just another opportunity for them to grab more money away from it. They didn't understand that the NHS isn't just an institution, it is the people that work within it.
They can now see, as the majority of the country have always seen, that healthcare isn't and should never be 'for profit'. They are now reliant on that self same service they have made careers out of trying to tear down to save their skins, both political and literal.
They need to find a way to protect the people that may ultimately save their lives or the life of a loved one and they need to do that now. They should have done it a month ago but that's an enquiry that will have to wait, for the moment.
In the video, I mention, we can support our front line NHS and our families in many ways on a personal level. However, if we are to make a difference that will protect them and their colleagues then holding our representatives accountable.
If you have never contacted your MP, take a look at the links below. You simply have to apply your postcode and you will be shown your representatives. However we can, we need to get across to them that, we, the people, will never allow this to happen again.
We can never return to 'normal'
I intend on making a video about this subject but just to give you some food for thought, can you imagine a world post Covid-19 where someone working for someone else has an issue with say childcare. They go in to the office, collect up their laptop and 'stuff' and prepare to leave for home.
Their 'boss' says, 'Where do you think you're going?'.
'Home. My children are unwell and I have to look after them so I'm going to be working from home for the next day or two', says the employee.
'I don't think so', says the 'boss'. 'We don't have a 'work from home policy. Get back to your desk and crack on!'
'So, during the Covid-19 pandemic, you were more than happy for me to work from home for 6 -12 weeks (fill those number for yourselves because at this stage, I'm not sure anyone can accurately estimate). Now that things are 'back to normal', all of a sudden there's no 'work from home policy', says the employee.
'Sorry, ', says the 'boss'. ' that's the rules'.
'Yeah? My children are ill. I'm going home to look after them. I won't be working as there is no 'work from home policy' now that it doesn't suit you. In fact, I won't be working for you anymore, you fucking ghoulish drone. Bye bye, twat'.
Or along those lines at least.
The US government pulled $2.2 trillion out of nowhere. The Fed found $3 trillion in loans and asset buybacks. This is JUST the US. Governments around the world are doing the same. Do not be fooled into thinking this is largesse from our overlords. This is simply for them to keep control of as much wealth as possible. Without that wealth they have no control over us.
Never again will the 1% and the governments they have bought be able to say, 'Sorry, we don't have enough money for that'. The 'for that'?, just fill in anything reasonable that you don't have now. Healthcare for all, access to clean water, food, education........you see what I mean?
The point is, the 'normal' we have had forced on us was clearly, as it has always been, just power being exerted of those without it dressed up as some sort of pantomime whilst the words 'liberal democracy' are thrown around as cover for this indentured servitude.
The pursuit of capital has given a remarkably small number of people an enormous amount of control over the world's wealth, resources and of course because we are all dependent on their handouts, the rest of the majority of the population of the planet.
This can only stay the 'norm' after these ongoing events if we allow it to.
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Thank you and please, please, keep you, your family and loved ones AND those you don't know safe during this time.
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