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Bravo to Canada on banning assault rifles but...
Hi all,

The death of 22 people at the hands of one person seems to be impossible. Except, of course, if you have a semi-automatic rifle that can be capable of firing 600 rounds per minute. Then it could only take 3 seconds to mow down 22 people.

I will not give the individual responsible for this barbaric action any coverage here by naming them or describing their actions. The only people that should be spoken of are the people that lost their lives, their families and the wider society that will be traumatised by a loss of life so egregious that even during a time of pandemic it is still startling, stunning and horrifying.

However, there is something that has instantly come from this tragedy which I need to mention.

The reaction of the Canadian government to this situation is the right one. If you can clearly identify the source of a public health epidemic and have the ability to act to remove it and save lives, it is the only course of action that can and should be taken.

My only criticism is why the need for a 2 year amnesty period for owners to comply with the law? It can't be based on compensation and how long that process may take. Trillions of dollars are being 'found' across the globe from down the back of a metaphorical sofa. No, it's not compensating the owners. It can't be the legislation process. The only thing that ever adds to the length of time for something to become law is political will. There is definitely a political will. The people themselves have spoken. Four-in-five Canadians support complete ban on civilian possession of assault style weapons, as per an Angus Reid poll.

So, what can it be?

Does it have anything to do with the gun lobbyists, Charles Zach, executive director of the National Firearms Association (NFA) and Alison de Groot, managing director of the Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association meeting with Public Safety Minister Bill Blair as the Canadian government were planning the execution of this new legislation?

It would seem germane to any thoughts on this question to know that the NFA advocates for the elimination of the firearms act, and the fact that in 2018 , Canadians spent eight and a half billion dollars on gun sports

It is all the more concerning that The Globe and Mail have federal officials briefing them the broad outline of how the act will finally be passed which will include the voluntary buyback of assault rifle type weapons that will be banned by the new act.

What further connection the gun lobby have and will have to the government and the ultimate legislation will no doubt come to light, eventually. Will this be too late to stop big business overturning a piece of legislation that will save lives? That may be decided by the investigative journalists working these stories. Whether they can bring further light to this scandal in a time riddled with scandals. Whether they are allowed to bring that light.

Submitted May 02, 2020 at 06:58PM by partypoliticalpuffin


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