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I feel so grown up. I've gone and designed some merch for you guys!!!

Some of the biggest YouTubers have had to rely on sales of merchandise in the early days of their channels to survive.

Before we get into it I'd just like to say, I hope you and your families and loved ones are all ok and keeping well and safe. Also, I'd like to say thanks for all the great comments and interaction from the last video. As I think I said in the video, it is a great feeling to know that I've made a connection with you.

So, what's the "merch" all about?

For anyone reading the blog that doesn't watch the videos, why not? :) But to bring you up to speed, I, of course, am no different to the big YT channel players. We all start somewhere, right? So, to try to get some financial support for the channel to survive, I have designed some imagery that will go on to merchandise.

At first, it will be a range of clothing: hoodies, sweatshirts, T's, hats etc.

But what kick-started this was a request from a veteran subscriber some time ago that asked if I would look at getting "The Puffin" TM (c) (r) on to some T's and other merch. 

So, I worked on the original Puffin I designed to make it work for printing and embroidery. In addition to "The Puffin" TM (c) (r)....OK, I promise, I'll stop doing that now.....where was I, oh yes, in addition to the Puffin, I have drawn up some other designs that I liked and I hope other will too.

Please let me have your thoughts on the designs.

This is just the starting point.

Just to be clear, I am not going to order anything for you guys until I've received the first off garment from the supplier. I want to make sure that I'm happy they are of the quality I think they will be so that they are good enough to make available to you guys.

I'm sure they will be of good quality because I've ordered from them before and they've been very good. But, that has always been for my own teams in the past and I just want to be 100% certain.

My order is due to arrive in 14 days, so I'll be able to give you an indication, Covid-19  being favourable, in the next two weeks. 

Come on, Dave. What's it look like?

So, here are the images of the items I've ordered (the black hoodie and the green t) along with some of the other designs.

I hope you approve. Please let me know what you think.

The clothing is available in many colours and styles. Price is dependent on which garment line is chosen and numbers ordered etc. I'm sure you would all be aware of this but just in case, I thought I'd make the point.

Below is not all of the designs. I want a better way to showcase them but in the meantime to give me a quick way to give you a reasonable idea of what we are talking about, here it is.

I will, of course, develop how the designs and the garments are shown to you to give you a clearer idea. The printing can be done on many areas of the garments and embroidery can be done on a number of areas. So, there is a lot of scope for you to get exactly the garment/design combination you want. 

Drum roll, please!

Zipped Hoodie, black. "The Puffin" logo/badge, embroidered. Text says, "Party Political Puffin"

Badge in close up:

T-Shirt, Classic Olive Green. Party Political Puffin, The Artistic Wing (Warhol Style), screen printed

"Warhol" in close up ;) :

Here are some of the other designs:

Generic Hoodie, Karl Marx Puffin design, screen printed

Karl Marx Puffin design close up:

"The Puffin WATERCOLOUR" logo/badge, screen printed/embroidered. Text says, TOP - "Party Political Puffin". BOTTOM - "Let's change it, together!"

The Puffin WATERCOLOUR close up:

Generic Hoodie, Dr Martin Luther King Jr Puffin design, screen printed

Dr Martin Luther King Jr Puffin design close up:

Peter Kropotkin Puffin design, screen printed.
Suited to t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies etc

Variants of "The Puffin":

The "Warhol" Puffin. Different fonts, saturations and colour:

"Good artists copy, great artists steal.", Pablo Picasso

A fantastic quote from one of my favourite artist, Picasso. As those of you that have followed the channel over the last couple of months will attest to, I must be a great artist as I was being accused of theft over the Piers Morgan clip!

What a horrible thought, to have to have Morgan and a master such as Picasso in the same sentence!

I hope that this piece has given you a bit of fun as well as a look at the designs.

I really do try to make every piece, written, spoken or visual, give you something of value. Whether that's a giggle, a thought or a challenge, I hope that the "content" is more than just that, "content".

Thank you, guys. I hope you are all good and enjoying your weekend. I'll "see" you during the week.

Take care and I'll see you in the next one.

Here comes the bit where I ask for your help.

To help the channel survive, consider a one-off donation by: 

Buying me a coffee at - or 

Single one-off payment - or

One-off or ongoing support:

The channel can go from strength to strength with your support.

Please look in on us at the following:

For extra patron content:


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