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Showing posts from May, 2020

I feel so grown up. I've gone and designed some merch for you guys!!!

Some of the biggest YouTubers have had to rely on sales of merchandise in the early days of their channels to survive. Before we get into it I'd just like to say, I hope you and your families and loved ones are all ok and keeping well and safe. Also, I'd like to say thanks for all the great comments and interaction from the last video. As I think I said in the video, it is a great feeling to know that I've made a connection with you. So, what's the "merch" all about? For anyone reading the blog that doesn't watch the videos, why not? :) But to bring you up to speed, I, of course, am no different to the big YT channel players. We all start somewhere, right? So, to try to get some financial support for the channel to survive, I have designed some imagery that will go on to merchandise. At first, it will be a range of clothing: hoodies, sweatshirts, T's, hats etc. But what kick-started this was a request from a veteran subscriber some time ago that asked ...

Thanking subscribers, talking about the future and homelessness is a strange combination

Just a thank you to those who have, so far, subscribed. ​ I have also talked about what the future is going to look like for the wider channel. ​ Please have a look at the video on the channel. If they have value for you then please leave a like, comment, share and subscribe. ​ If you can support the work of the channel it would be much appreciated. The links are all in the video and description. ​ I hope you and yours are all well and safe. ​ Cheers Submitted May 24, 2020 at 05:30PM by partypoliticalpuffin

Thanking subscribers, talking about the future and homelessness is a str...

Thanks for the support to date. This video is to simply say that but also to talk about what the future holds, how that can come to fruition and trying to bring more people on board. Here comes the bit where I ask for your help. To help the channel survive, consider a one-off donation by: Buying me a coffee at - or Single one-off payment - or One-off or ongoing support: Choose a Maslow level at - The channel can go from strength to strength with your support. Please look in on us at the following: youtube: twitter: podcast: patreon:

Tory minister's first thought is to ally with the far right! ​ The Tory Minister for Mental Health, Suicide Prevention and Patient Safety, Nadine Dorries and Tory MP's, Lucy Allan and Maria Caulfield have no problem siding with the far-right . ​ After sharing a video from a far-right Twitter account that falsely claimed Keir Starmer obstructed the prosecution of grooming gang members when he led the CPS all three commented at what the video purported to show, with Dorries calling it “revealing”. ​ What is "revealing" is that they have no problem in accusing a former DPP of an attempt to obstruct justice in what is one of the most horrific crimes there can be. An organised criminal gang trafficking little girls who were essentially to be sold. ​ Of course, this is all done without any evidence, any sources cited, just a far-right-wing twitter account shouting anything to stir up racial hatred and division. ​ ...

Can Free Speech and Copyright co-exist?

 Here comes the bit where I ask for your help. To help the channel survive, consider a one-off donation by: Buying me a coffee at - or Single one-off payment - or One-off or ongoing support: Choose a Maslow level at - The channel can go from strength to strength with your support. Please look in on us at the following: youtube: twitter: podcast: patreon:

UK Government Cowardly Representative says "people are 'addicted' to the furlough scheme" A Return to the 80's for the UK? This article, rightly, makes the point that forcing people back to work during a pandemic when the status of who's been infected, who hasn't and if there is anyone resistant to Covid-19 is unknown. That's before we understand exactly what a second and third wave of this will be like and do to the wider community. ​ However, the line that really chimed with me was the opening one: ​ "A senior government source warned yesterday that people are “addicted” to the furlough scheme. “We have to get people back to work,” he said. ​ If you are outside the UK and younger than I, to be honest, that's probably 90% of those reading this, you may not be familiar with the modern industrial history and why a stupid, crass and clearly ignorant comment like that from the ruling class would "chime...

Happy Birthday, Karl Marx

Happy Birthday, Karl Marx  Karl Marx at 200 - 2018 NYT Article of the bicentenary of the most remarkable political philosopher in the, let me see, oh, yes, roughly last two hundred years! Submitted May 05, 2020 at 04:49PM by Tommy__Douglas

Grant Shapps Tells Public It Will All Go Back To Normal

Grant Shapps Tells Public It Will All Go Back To Normal This is an interview g iven by Grant Shapps , transport secretary during which he muses on the notion of sending kids back to school in June. Your government is putting money and power ahead of lives. The soft soaping of the questions doesn't help to get to the truth of the matter. There is one reason they want to get children back to school and it has nothing to do with educating our children. They need them to go back to school to free up Mum and Dad to go back to work but more than that when your kids are going to school and there is a routine everything APPEARS to be 'normal'. If it appears normal people will start to believe it is and return to what they have known their entire lives, work. At no point when this ghoul is talking about kids going back to school does he acknowledge or warn of the real issue. He couches what he says in terms of children being safe from Covid-19. Whilst as a parent my...

Bravo to Canada on banning assault rifles but...

​ Hi all, ​ The death of 22 people at the hands of one person seems to be impossible. Except, of course, if you have a semi-automatic rifle that can be capable of firing 600 rounds per minute. Then it could only take 3 seconds to mow down 22 people. ​ I will not give the individual responsible for this barbaric action any coverage here by naming them or describing their actions. The only people that should be spoken of are the people that lost their lives, their families and the wider society that will be traumatised by a loss of life so egregious that even during a time of pandemic it is still startling, stunning and horrifying. ​ However, there is something that has instantly come from this tragedy which I need to mention. ​ The reaction of the Canadian government to this situation is the right one. If you can clearl...

NHS Procurement Official Privately Selling PPE

Title Page Graphic The Guardian, 01 May 2020, Revealed/NHS Procurement Official Privately Selling PPE ​It was only a matter of time before this sort of story became headline news. ​ I am sure this will be seen in some quarters as 'just someone making a living during these hard times'. Except that this is someone involved in procurement at what the Guardian identifies as a 'senior official'. ​ I know this is the 'natural' outcome from capitalism but I can only hope some good will come from this. That anyone that is on the fence as to whether capitalism really would trade peoples lives and safety for money will finally have that question answered. ​ I sincerely hope this guy doesn't have any family that is dependent on the likes of my wife who is on the front line of a Covid-19 ward. Let's hope that the nurse or doctor that could have been treating one of his loved ones isn't themselves sick from Covid-19 due to not having the right PPE or fo...